
Breathe Connect Thrive

An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

Full Moon Rituals
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moonlit magic and haircuts

I remember my mom used to tell us that if we wanted to have long, beautiful hair, the New Moon was the time to trim our hair and set the intention for long, healthy hair. If we wanted short hair, cut your hair on the full moon. Little did I know that decades later, I would be writing a newsletter about lunar energy and how it’s the perfect time for intention setting and releasing stuck emotions. I love the monthly reminder of each full moon to let go of the stuff draining my spirit. Plus...

This morning I realized I've been doing Morning Pages for FOUR years, Reader! That means that almost every morning for about 1500 days I've been writing 3 pages of whatever comes to my mind first thing in the morning! That's about 4,500 pages of journaling! Why you might ask would I subject myself to this practice almost every morning for the last four years? Well, if you've been around here for a while, you might know that Morning Pages is a journaling practice that can help you unlock your...

I've been getting the same card when I pull tarot-The Tower. And it's not just in my personal readings. I keep seeing this card in my clients' tarot readings, too. While I love receiving the Universe's guidance, the funny thing is that I have no idea what that guidance is. But I know for sure something is brewing in the background and Spirit is pre-paving the way for a shift in my life. You see, Reader, I've seen some variation of this before- seeing the same oracle card several days in a...

"Which books have helped you on your spiritual journey?" It's a question I often get asked, Reader. And if you've ever had a session with me, you'll know that I usually send out an email a few days after with a list of recommendations for practices, meditations, or books. So I'm finally sharing my top picks for spiritual growth books! I've got to tell you, that when I initially set out to write this blog, I had 9 books on my list. But as I started writing about my experience with these books,...

Do you remember this, Reader? It was my first ever tarot reading on YouTube way back in May 2020!😂 Were you one of the 55 people who watched it? So much has changed since then. From the name of my channel to learning how to get over that nervous energy when recording to the services I offer that combine breathwork and tarot! One thing that hasn't changed? How much I look forward to recording these and challenging messages for you! And, that's why I'm so excited about bringing them back!...

I've noticed a theme with clients recently. The consensus? This year has been all about shaking the foundations of who we once believed ourselves to be, undoing, restructuring, and transforming into a more loved version of ourselves. And, transformation isn't always easy, even if it's a good change. As a matter of fact, growth is usually downright uncomfortable. Can you relate, Reader? We all know that starting something new requires you to let go and release old ways. You have to build new...

While I'm no stranger to receiving signs of synchronicity, these recent experiences had me crying like a baby, Reader. You see I was having a rough morning, frustrated with an unresolved family property dispute that had reached a boiling point. I was feeling a lot of big feelings - anger, sadness, resentment, pity, and embarrassment. I was feeling lost and helpless. Most of all, I was really missing my mom. I guess grief is that way, we never know when memories of our loved ones will jolt the...

I'm so happy to be back in your inbox, Reader! Writing these emails to you is truly something I look forward to each week. And while I missed it, this much-needed time off from the newsletter has allowed me space to make Breathe Connect Thrive an even better experience for you. Since I started sharing this newsletter, my mission has been to help people like you uncover new ways to heal by releasing emotions on a deep level, reconnecting to your intuition, and rediscovering your inner fire!...

Since I started sharing this newsletter, my mission has been to help people like you uncover new ways to heal by releasing emotions on a deep level, reconnecting to your intuition, and rediscovering your inner fire, Reader. Everything I do within Breathe Connect Thrive is with that in mind. I also know it's just as important to walk my talk, especially when it comes to self-care. Even though I LOVE Breathe Connect Thrive, part of self-care means taking regular time off. If you've been reading...

Last August, I gifted a dear friend an Oracle deck for her birthday, Reader. We sat in the coffee shop for hours catching up and then she opened the Oracle deck. It was the Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. The messages we both received were timely, insightful, encouraging, deeply spiritual, and, most importantly, helped guide us through the difficulties we were facing. That's exactly why I love Oracle decks. Not only do I use Oracle decks alongside Breathwork, Reiki, and...