something new on the horizon...

I'm so happy to be back in your inbox, Reader! Writing these emails to you is truly something I look forward to each week.

And while I missed it, this much-needed time off from the newsletter has allowed me space to make Breathe Connect Thrive an even better experience for you.

Since I started sharing this newsletter, my mission has been to help people like you uncover new ways to heal by releasing emotions on a deep level, reconnecting to your intuition, and rediscovering your inner fire! Everything I do within Breathe Connect Thrive is with that in mind.

Reader, I've guided a bit over a thousand people through breathwork, yet I'm still humbled by how something as inherent as our breath can guide our souls to reclaim our power and remind us of the never-ending divinity that resides within us all.

Every time I teach breathwork, I'm reminded of the importance of making this simple, yet powerful breathing technique accessible to as many people as possible. The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership will make regular breathwork more attainable!

The Soul Shift Membership will also help you:

  • clear your energy,
  • reclaim your power,
  • tap into an increased sense of peace,
  • and remind you of your never-ending well of wisdom.

All from the comfort of your home! And it is looming on the horizon. I can't wait to share it with you!

I'm finishing up some final touches. So, Reader, if the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership sounds like it was created for you, click here to get on the waitlist.

When you sign up for the waitlist, you’ll be the first to get notified of the fast-action early bird bonus, which includes FREE content plus an extra special limited bonus!

It's perfect for you if you want to:

  • Feel renewed clarity and focus through journaling
  • ​Have regular access to tarot readings and breathwork
  • Focus on healing and connecting with your inner wisdom
  • Reconnect with your soul through new moon or full moon oracle spreads
  • Regularly clear stuck energy and release underlying emotions that are draining you

This magical, subscription-based newsletter includes:

  • Exclusive content like:
    • Monthly group tarot reading videos
    • Monthly Full Moon Oracle Spread and Journaling Workbook
    • Monthly New Moon Oracle Spread and Journaling Workbook
  • Group Breathwork classes (in-person and online):
    • Choose from quarterly, bi-monthly, or monthly group breathwork classes
  • Discounts:
    • Get up to 33% OFF private services, group classes, or workshops
    • Yearly subscribers save up to $63 plus get instant access to book group breathwork classes!
  • PLUS surprise bonus content including:
    • Healing breathwork audios
    • PDFs with self-care exercises designed to help you tap into your self-healing abilities.
    • Support: I’ll be available by email for any questions regarding techniques and implementation.

So if you've been looking for an accessible way to practice self-care regularly, The Soul Shift Membership is what you've been waiting for. Sign up for the waitlist here.

Speaking of accessible ways to practice self-care regularly, check out August's group class schedule below.

Check out August's Group Class Schedule​

Click here to tend to your spiritual growth, invest in your emotional well-being, and save your spot in a group class.

Now onto your weekly guidance reading.

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle Deck week with direct translations from the guidebook. If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then, look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or you can also combine the messages of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.

Amethyst Guidance Reading: AWAKENING

Energetic upgrades. A new way of being. Integration.

You are going through a period of awakening. Things are changing within you and at many levels. You are starting to remember ancient truths, and discovering more and more about who you are and why you incarnated.

You may find that you are experiencing past-life flashbacks, seeing the invisible thread that is woven through all of life, or even feeling kundalini Shakti rise through your body from the base of your spine.

The most important thing for this time is not to overthink it and to stay grounded. Share your experiences with like-souled people while you consciously integrate them. Journal and pay attention to your dreams. You are remembering and your soul gifts are emerging.

During this time of transition and awakening, you may be called to devote yourself to being of service. There are ideas, truths, concepts, books, and creations waiting to be birthed into this world. Stay open to receiving them.

Pulling this card may be a sign that you are here to birth one of these creations into the world. Or perhaps you are being called to make a shift in your life in order to be of service. Don’t think too much about it, instead repeat the following Work Your Light Activation.

△ Work Your Light Activation: Hold your hand on your heart and say:‘I surrender to my awakening. I allow the Shakti energy to rise from the base of my spine. I open myself up to the Universe using me in a way that delights my mind, body, and spirit.’ △

Moonstone Guidance Reading: THE AGE OF LIGHT

You’ve been training for this for lifetimes.

Mystics and sages throughout the ages have predicted this period in history, and you decided to incarnate in the middle of it. There is no mistake that you are supposed to be here at this time of great change.

If you ever feel unprepared or daunted by the path that is calling you, know this: You’ve been training for this for lifetimes. You’re way more than the days that have breathed through you in this life. You’re also all of the lifetimes that came before. All of these experiences have polished your soul into the most magnificent expression that is your authentic self.

Your soul has many facets. Imagine a fingerprint; your soul is a million times more intricate than that. If you put together all of the fingerprints of all of the people you have been, you would not even get close to fathoming how much of a unique masterpiece you are.

You came in with a clear soul plan. You came in with wisdom beyond your years. This is the part of you that longs to be seen. This is the part of you that is ready to step forward. That is ready to emerge. This is not the lifetime to stay hidden, but to step forth, be seen and rise.

Hold your hand on your heart and say:

△ Work Your Light Activation: ‘‘I call forth the soul gifts and soul training that I have received throughout all of my lifetimes. I am ready to embody them all now without hesitation and without fear. I have been training for this for lifetimes.’△

Rhodonite Guidance Reading: BOUNDARIES

Where do you need to establish better boundaries?

You are being called to create clearer boundaries in your life. This could be with your friends, family, or work. Saying YES when you really mean NO leads to resentment, which is the biggest energy drain ever. At first it might only be a little bit and not feel like a big deal, but before you know it, your energy field becomes porous and you are left feeling depleted, resentful, or taken advantage of.

Saying NO and having clear boundaries is actually a spiritual act. The most giving, loving, compassionate people are those with the clearest boundaries. For when they say YES, they are able to give unconditionally.

When your boundaries are clear, others know where they stand and you are able to give freely. If you are not clear where your boundaries lie, this causes confusion, resentment, and energetic cords to be planted.

If you are saying YES when you really mean NO, you are likely needing something yourself. Ask yourself, what part of me NEEDS something from them? It could be a need for approval, a fear of being seen a certain way or a fear of loss.

The best way to gauge your boundaries is to check in with your belly. Your belly is the second brain. It has an intelligence known as your ‘gut feelings.’ Tune in to this space when deciding what is OK for you. How does it feel? What is it trying to communicate with you?

△ Work Your Light Inquiry: Where in your life do you need to establish better boundaries? △⠀

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings, so if you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

Skipped to the bottom?

As always, sending lots of love & light your way,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

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704 Telephone Road, Houston, TX 77023 📱 713.485.0747
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Breathe Connect Thrive

An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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