Which Oracle deck is right for you?

Last August, I gifted a dear friend an Oracle deck for her birthday, Reader. We sat in the coffee shop for hours catching up and then she opened the Oracle deck.

It was the Spirit Animal Oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid. The messages we both received were timely, insightful, encouraging, deeply spiritual, and, most importantly, helped guide us through the difficulties we were facing.

That's exactly why I love Oracle decks. Not only do I use Oracle decks alongside Breathwork, Reiki, and coaching sessions, but I also use Oracle in my day-to-day life.

You see, I believe Oracle cards can be used as a compass to let you know whether you’re on the track with what's best for you. They’re like a beacon, a magical message from the Universe to help you along your path.

And often clients want to buy an Oracle deck but aren't sure what's best for them. So today, I'm pulling back the curtain and sharing my favorite Oracle decks with you.

I'm especially drawn to Oracle decks with a wealth of encouraging, self-discovery messages and questions.

While almost all of these Oracle decks have affiliate links, I only promote things I personally use, like, and believe in.

Most of these decks are used with clients at the Breathe Connect Thrive Studio and have been incredibly useful for clarity, healing, and insight into our spiritual journeys. I hope these Oracle deck suggestions will do the same for you.

While there are so many Oracle decks to choose from, I contained myself to the top 10 Oracle decks I could think of to best align and guide you on your spiritual journey.

If you've done Breathwork, Reiki, or any healing service with me, you might already know a few of these. But I encourage you to read the 5-minute blog and tell which you already have, which you'll add to your collection, or which will be your first Oracle deck.

Top 10 Oracle Decks for Aligning with Your Unique Spiritual Journey

Need extra guidance? Book your healing session here. One-on-one not your style? Check out this month's group classes.

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Now onto your weekly guidance reading.

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Colette Baron-Reid's Enchanted Map Oracle Deck with a direct translation from the guidebook this week. If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then, look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or you can also combine the messages of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.

Blue Chalcedony Guidance- Moonlight

"Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, logical, and analytical. Follow it."

Moonlight beckons. Come, and trust your intuition to lead you into places that may not seem logical. Your hunches will be right on target. Resist "second-guessing" yourself, for your alternative perception is especially sharp right now. You can see be­yond the surface of things and truly read between the lines. This is a good time to use oracle cards or other systems of divina­tion to gain information.

Remember that the language of in­tuition is a symbolic one. It comes sub­tly through a hunch, a "tingling," a clear sound, or an animal or object crossing your path. Spirit is sending you messages to help you now. Success is yours if you fol­low the signs.

Botswana Agate Guidance- Mountain

"You have the capacity to flow around any obstacle. This is the time to adapt."

Sometimes you'll come across what ap­pears to be an insurmountable obstacle, like a huge mountain that separates you from your success. You might think that climb­ing it or chiseling away at it is the answer... but why take such a treacherous, tedious ap­proach? Be like the rivers that flow around mountains naturally. You'll move past this obstacle relatively quickly if you choose the easy way around. This is the time to adapt to your circumstances. If you do decide to climb, remember to take one step at a time, opting for the next right action.

Blue Apatite Guidance- Heal the Ouch
"Forgiveness is the healer of the soul"

This is a time for great soothing of the heart, body, soul, and mind, as this card indicates that healing will be prevalent in your life now. If you feel drawn to study the healing arts, you'll be successful in developing your natural capacity to restore others to wellness. However, the message may be that you're being called to change your behaviors in order to heal the earth. Perhaps you'll switch to a cruelty-free diet, eating less meat; or perhaps you'll pay more attention to how much water or electricity you use. You're asked to be conscious of your footprint on the sacred earth and all of life and to commit to the healing path.

The Heal the "Ouch" card may also be an indicator of old wounds and broken bonds being mended. Reconciliations are possible now. Let bygones be bygones.

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings. If you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

Sending lots of ease your way,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

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