Important updates...

Since I started sharing this newsletter, my mission has been to help people like you uncover new ways to heal by releasing emotions on a deep level, reconnecting to your intuition, and rediscovering your inner fire, Reader.

Everything I do within Breathe Connect Thrive is with that in mind.

I also know it's just as important to walk my talk, especially when it comes to self-care.

Even though I LOVE Breathe Connect Thrive, part of self-care means taking regular time off. If you've been reading the weekly emails, you might have noticed that I've closed the studio a few Saturdays of the month.

You might have even seen that I'm taking some time off and the studio will be closed next week from June 9th through June 17th.

While the studio will reopen on June 18th, I'll be taking a break from writing emails over the next few weeks, too.

There are some updates and projects I'm working on behind the scenes to make Breathe Connect Thrive an even better experience for you.

I hope this serves as an important reminder to allow some white space in your schedule for your creativity and intuition to breathe, too Reader.

Rest assured I'll be back in your inbox before you know it!

But if you'd like to book a private healing session with me, you'll want to save your spot soon because my schedule's filling up quick

One-on-one not your style? Check out this month's group classes.

June's Group Class Schedule​

Tend to your spiritual growth by saving your spot in a group class.

Now onto your weekly guidance reading.

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle Deck week with direct translations from the guidebook. If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then, look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or you can also combine the messages of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.

Amethyst Guidance Reading: INNER TEMPLE


You are being called to be a devoted student and tune in to your heart. To incorporate true devotion into your life. You could be being called to develop a regular meditation, journaling, or chanting practice. Or to show up to your soul with rhythm. To develop a daily practice where you fill up your well and spend time with your soul.

All of the answers to all of the questions that you seek are waiting for you in the portal of your heart.

But you cannot hear them unless you carve out time each day to listen. Your soul is yearning for a deeper relationship with you, and so the more time you spend with it and show up to it, the more clearly it will guide you.

We are here to grow as souls. Earth is one big playground for the soul to learn. And you are being called to go deeper in your soul growth or to increase your devotion by being a student of a lineage or a spiritual teacher.

If you have already been a committed student, then you are being commended for your devotion. Your guides want you to know how proud of you they are, and that the time you spend in devotion is priceless.

If you are questioning your career or life path, your guides want you to turn your focus toward devotion and this prayer: ‘Please use me in a way that delights my mind, body, and soul. May my life be one big moving prayer.

△ Work Your Light Action: Commit to a daily devotional practice. △

Moonstone Guidance Reading: KEEPERS OF THE EARTH


You are so supported. You do not stand alone. You have a magnificent team of helpers, both in this world and of the Earth, who are here to help you every step of the way. Call upon them for assistance; they are here to help.

The Keepers of the Earth acknowledge the work that you have done already and are ready to work through you. They bow at your feet and thank you for wanting to stand for them. To devote your life to protecting the Earth in your unique way.

It is time to increase your capacity to receive support in the physical realm. This can come in the form of financial abundance, acts of service from strangers, or people flocking to help you and your work. The only thing that is stopping you right now is your capacity to receive support.

You deserve to be rewarded for the work that you are doing. You do not need to go at it alone. Call upon the Keepers of the Earth to help you and your mission. Open your heart and your mind to receiving more than you ever thought possible.

What kind of support do you need? Call it in right away.

△ Work Your Light Activation: ‘I am open to receiving a whole new level of support for my life and my work and I call it in now (include any other specific requests here). Thank you, thank you, thank you.’△

Rhodonite Guidance Reading: TRUST YOUR PATH


The Universe is conspiring. Keep facing your true north. Your job is not to pave the path, but to simply keep facing your true north and take one step after another. If you do this, you can’t go wrong.

The Universe is conspiring. Don’t waver or doubt. Use your heart as a compass and put one foot in front of the other. If you follow the invisible trail of what lights you up, you will light up the world without even trying.

Most people don’t follow the highest call of their soul because they are waiting to see the end destination before they take the first step. If you take one baby step each day, within a year you will have taken 365 steps in your dedicated direction. If you want to write a book, write a page every day. If you want to change careers, do one thing every day in dedication to that. Before you know it, in just a year from now, you will turn back and look in awe at how far you have journeyed. Keep moving and open yourself up to a whole new level of support and receiving.

Things are not going to work out the way you are planning, but if you have a little faith and keep showing up, they will work out even better than you could possibly imagine. Don’t micromanage the Universe, trust your path, and let your soul lead the way.

△ Work Your Light Inquiry: If you knew you would be supported no matter what, what would you do? △

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings. If you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

Sending lots of ease your way,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

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704 Telephone Road, Houston, TX 77023 📱 713.485.0747
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Breathe Connect Thrive

An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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