Remember this, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

​Do you remember this, Reader?

It was my first ever tarot reading on YouTube way back in May 2020!😂

video preview

Were you one of the 55 people who watched it?

So much has changed since then.

From the name of my channel to learning how to get over that nervous energy when recording to the services I offer that combine breathwork and tarot!

One thing that hasn't changed?

How much I look forward to recording these and challenging messages for you!

And, that's why I'm so excited about bringing them back!


You see I'm bringing back monthly tarot readings with the option to submit a question or topic but it's only open to participants of the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership.

And after months of hard work, the long-awaited Soul Shift Breathwork Membership is finally officially open for you to join, Reader🎉🎉🎉

Remember when I said I wanted to make breathwork accessible to as many people as possible? I also wanted to include tarot readings too! And I found a way to make that possible.

You can get started for as little as $33 a month. That's less than the cost of a Target run! PLUS you'll get some amazing bonuses if you're one of the FIRST THREE people to join the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership by 11:59 pm CST Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

But I have to tell you, Reader​, this membership is so much more than making breathwork and tarot accessible to you it's making healing more accessible to you.

Because the healing journey isn't about improving yourself, or trying to fix, or get over something. No, healing is about finding your way back home to yourself. Healing is learning to accept, welcome, and love every part of you. It's realizing that you'll never be perfect, but you'll always be enough. Healing is the never-ending beautiful journey of uncovering your truth and falling in love with yourself over and over and over again.

And that's what I'd like to help you do in Soul Shift Breathwork Membership. Just ask my breathwork client, who said, "Breathwork allowed me to see myself in a way I never have before with an experience that I was once hesitant to try. I have been trying many ways to process a lot of things in my past and my life; this whole experience was profound and so significant to me, and I am so grateful and thankful for the experience I had! I look forward to going again."

​Whether you want to:

  • Release stress and the need for perfection
  • Clear out any underlying emotions that are holding you back
  • Let go of whatever makes you feel unnecessarily guarded or protective of yourself
  • Rewire limited beliefs and thinking regarding attachment issues with money, love, and career.

Or, you're ready to invite:

  • More clarity on what path to take
  • Peace, complete trust in your path, and acceptance of yourself
  • Clarity on the future and what direction you want to be going in life

The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership is the path to help you on your never-ending journey of uncovering your truth and falling in love with yourself over and over and over again.​

PLUS you'll get some amazing bonuses if you're one of the FIRST THREE people to join the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership by 11:59 pm CST Wednesday, August 28, 2024, to take advantage of these bonuses! ⬇️

➡ Join the Monthly Soul Shift Breathwork Membership for $33 a month to get:

  • Monthly tarot reading videos (I'm no longer offering free tarot readings on YouTube, this is the only place to get monthly tarot reading videos from me).
  • Eclipse, Full Moon, and New Moon Oracle Spread and Journaling Workbooks
  • 1 monthly breathwork class (in person or online)- You'll get to apply your credits to monthly online or in-person group breathwork classes or book multiple sessions in advance if you choose the quarterly or yearly option (and if you're in Houston, you can use your credits for restorative yoga, New Moon, and Full Moon breathwork!)
  • You can even trade in your group class credits for 1:1 private sessions!
  • Discounts on private services, group classes, or workshops
  • Healing breathwork audios
  • Yearly subscribers get access to quarterly Soul-Shifting Workshops
  • Workbooks with self-care exercises designed to help you tap into your self-healing abilities.
  • Support: I’ll be available by email for any questions regarding techniques and implementation.
  • Plus get access to the Soul Shift Breathwork Audio Bank with 7 never-before-released breathwork audios (value of $197) so you can do breathwork at home!

➡Sign up for the Quarterly plan at $99, and you'll also get FREE access to the Soul Shift Workshop to help you clarify, plan, and manifest your dreams...(valued at $197)!

Join the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership 333 (yearly plan) by 11:59 pm CST Wednesday, August 28, 2024, and take advantage of an EXTRA BONUS! ⬇️

➡Join the yearly membership, and not only will you get access to those two bonuses, but you’ll also get a FREE 45-minute tarot reading with me (valued at $127) to use anytime during your membership. PLUS you'll save $63 off your membership, that's $917 worth of services for only $333!

BUT these bonuses are limited to the first 3 people who sign up, so you'll want to act fast!​

I truly hope to see you in the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership, but if not, you can always count on my weekly guidance readings 😊

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle cards with a direct translation from the guidebook for this week's guidance reading.

If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or, you can also combine the message of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.​

Snow Quartz Weekly Guidance Reading - Answer the Call

What is your soul calling you to do?

Your guidance is divinely guided. You are being called to answer the call of your soul. It might be scary, it might not make sense, but if you trust your soul’s yearnings, you will live a life beyond what your mind could possibly imagine. Answering your soul’s calling is not a one-time thing, rather a lifelong dance. Deep down, you already know what you long for. What your soul yearns for.

Whatever you are called to do, that is your calling. Don’t overthink it. Don’t wait for permission. Just say YES. Most people are waiting for a step-by-step plan before they take the first step. But intuition doesn’t work like that. It takes faith and courage to answer the calls of your soul. And that’s why most people don’t do it. But you are not most people.
You are in exactly the right place to answer your calling now. You don’t need to know the whole plan. You don’t even need to know where it is leading. You just need to take the next step. No one has ever had the complete, perfect plan. There is no end destination. There is no right or wrong way to do it and you do NOT need permission from anyone else.
Sometimes the more resistance we have around answering a soul calling, the more important it is to our soul’s growth.

△ Work Your Light Inquiry: What is your soul calling you to do? △

Yellow Aventurine Guidance Reading- Imrama

Where are you being called to journey to?

The Celtic word Imrama means a journey of the soul. A voyage on which we don’t know where we are going, but our soul knows the way. If you pulled this card you are either being called on a soul journey or are already on one. It could be to a physical ancient place or metaphoric.

When we journey to places that our soul remembers, a shift takes place – both within us and to the planet as well. You are being called to journey to a place that is sacred to your soul. Perhaps it is to journey to the world’s sacred sites. Or called to cross the country, climb a mountain, lie on the desert floor, or drink from an ancient well. There are places to see and old friends to meet. I see spontaneous pilgrimages in your future.

If a physical voyage isn’t possible, journey through the portal of your heart. Follow the invisible soul trail and be willing to explore. Maybe read a book or watch a movie about a sacred time or place. Or perhaps you are being called to study an ancient lineage or body of work. Whatever your circumstances, your soul is ready to journey deep.

△ Work Your Light Activation: Hold your hand on your heart and say: ‘May seeds of light long ago planted begin to rise. I am ready to remember ancient secrets from lands that my soul knows from times past. May I be held by the ancient lineages that my soul has served and remember that I don’t have to do it all alone.’ △

Amazonite Weekly Guidance Reading - Warrior Woman

​​If you weren’t afraid, what would you do?

What are you being called to do or face that requires courage? If you weren’t afraid what would you do? Living a heart-and-soul-led life is not all fluffy and smooth sailing. Living a heart-and-soul-led life requires courage to triumph over fear. So often our fears are the gatekeepers to our greatest gifts. And the more resistance we have toward answering a call, the more important it is to our soul’s growth. Sometimes fear is an indication that we are facing the right way.

Joan of Arc was known for her courage and her famous line: ‘I’m not afraid, I was born to do this.’ But the thing about courage is that it is not possible without fear. So, if you are feeling afraid, what is needed is courage. And courage comes from living from the heart.
Think of your fears as opportunities to expand, rather than things that are holding you hostage. If you look at your fears in this light then, as uncomfortable as it might feel, it’s actually a sign that you are on the right track.

△ Work Your Light Inquiry: If you weren’t afraid, what would you do? △

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings, so if you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

Skipped to the bottom?

Be one of the FIRST THREE people to:

➡Sign up for the monthly tier for $33/month and get access to the Soul Shift Breathwork Audio Bank with 7 never-before-released breathwork audios (value of $197) so you can do breathwork at home!

➡Sign up for the Quarterly plan at $99, and you'll get FREE access to the Soul Shift Workshop to help you clarify, plan, and manifest your dreams...(valued at $197)!

➡Join the yearly membership, and get access to those two bonuses, PLUS get a FREE 45-minute tarot reading with me (valued at $127) to use anytime during your membership. PLUS you'll save $63 off your membership,

BUT these bonuses are limited to the first 3 people who sign up, so you'll want to act fast!​ And you must sign up before the time runs out to take advantage of this special deal. So, click here to get signed up!

P.S. Have a question about The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership? Hit reply and ask! I want to be sure you have all the info you need to sign up for this one-of-a-kind offer.

As always, sending lots of love & light your way,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

Scheduling | Website | Testimonials

704 Telephone Road, Houston, TX 77023 📱 713.485.0747
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Breathe Connect Thrive

An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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