Books that changed my life

"Which books have helped you on your spiritual journey?"

It's a question I often get asked, Reader. And if you've ever had a session with me, you'll know that I usually send out an email a few days after with a list of recommendations for practices, meditations, or books. So I'm finally sharing my top picks for spiritual growth books!

I've got to tell you, that when I initially set out to write this blog, I had 9 books on my list. But as I started writing about my experience with these books, I quickly realized that these books not only deeply impacted my own spiritual journey, but literally changed the course of my life.

So I've curated a list of three incredible books that have personally changed my life and could do the same for you.

Why these books are so special?

  • They're life-changing: These aren't just books; they're guides, companions, and catalysts for profound transformation.
  • They're practical: With actionable steps and insights, you'll learn how to apply these teachings to your daily life.
  • They're inspiring: Discover the power of self-discovery, creativity, and manifestation.

What you'll find in the blog:

  • Key elements: Learn about the core concepts and techniques in each book.
  • Benefits: Discover how these books can help you unlock your potential, heal, and manifest your desires.
  • My experience: Get a personal glimpse into how these books have transformed my life.
  • Practical tools: Each of these books include actionable steps you can take to start your journey.

Want to go beyond the books and deepen your spiritual journey Reader? I've got you covered ⬇

Soul Shift Breathwork Members - Watch your inbox for your Full Moon Oracle spreads/journaling workbook and Full Moon Breathwork Audio to be delivered by email on the 17th!

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Now onto your weekly guidance reading.

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Chris-Anne's The Light Seer's Tarot Deck for this week's guidance reading,

If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or, you can also combine the message of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.​

Howlite Weekly Guidance Reading

The Star

The Star appears after The Tower. She is here to remind you of your heart's of your connection to Source.

Coming back into your heart can seem like a daunting task after experiencing the upheaval of The Tower's influence. The Star brings a message of renewed hope, serendipity, inspiration, and love.

Healing, faith, optimism, renewal, harmony, and spirituality are all keywords with this card.
The Star reminds you to believe in yourself. She is here to let you know that even though (and possibly because) The Tower fell, better things are destined for you.

Your plans do indeed show progress. So allow your essence to shine through the darkness.
You are on the right path. Expect miracles and look to The Star to light your way.

Amethyst Weekly Guidance Reading

9 of Pentacles

Are you relishing in your achievements?

The Nine of Pentacles brings with her a message of stability, financial security, structure, groundedness, and secure energy.

She replenishes her energy so she can appreciate the secure and abundant structure she's autonomously cultivated.

She's confident as she masterfully handles the falcon perched on her arm. She's worked hard to achieve her goals and believes she deserves to enjoy the rewards for her efforts.

As you move into the coming week, will you have the confidence and courage to reap the rewards of your accomplishments?

Yellow Citrine Weekly Guidance Reading

Knight of Wands

Are you feeling the rush of inspired action?

The Knight of Wands is creative, quick-moving, and displays action-oriented fiery passion.
She is inspired, ready to forge ahead, willing to do anything to turn her vision into reality despite any dangers that might be in her way.

Full of ambition and energy, she might act too hastily and leave behind some crucial details.
You might feel like you need to act quickly with this energy. But take a moment to ensure that this forward movement aligns with your goals.

As you move ahead in the coming week, consider tuning into yourself and examining if action aligns with your soul's fiery desires before making any vital decisions.

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings, so if you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

As always, sending lots of love & light,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

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An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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