Undoing, restructuring, and transforming

I've noticed a theme with clients recently. The consensus? This year has been all about shaking the foundations of who we once believed ourselves to be, undoing, restructuring, and transforming into a more loved version of ourselves.

And, transformation isn't always easy, even if it's a good change. As a matter of fact, growth is usually downright uncomfortable.

Can you relate, Reader?

We all know that starting something new requires you to let go and release old ways. You have to build new neural pathways to ingrain new habits.

Most times you can do this on your own. But often it's helpful to do it within a supportive container.

That's exactly why I'm so excited about sharing The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership with you! This magical, subscription-based newsletter includes exclusive content not found anywhere else:

  • Monthly tarot reading videos
  • Monthly Full Moon Oracle Spread and Journaling Workbook
  • Monthly New Moon Oracle Spread and Journaling Workbook
  • Group Breathwork classes (in-person and online)
  • Discounts of up to 33% OFF private services, group classes, or workshops
  • PLUS surprise bonus content including:
    • Healing breathwork audios
    • PDFs with self-care exercises designed to help you tap into your self-healing abilities.
    • Support: I’ll be available by email for any questions regarding techniques and implementation.

So if you've been looking for an accessible way to practice self-care regularly through breathwork, tarot, and journaling, The Soul Shift Membership is what you've been waiting for.

When you join the waitlist, you’ll be the first to get notified of the fast-action early bird bonus, which includes FREE content plus an extra special limited bonus for yearly subscribers!

I can't wait to share The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership with you!

In Houston and need some self-care now? I've got you covered in this month's group class schedule below.

August's Group Class Schedule​

Click here to tend to your spiritual growth, invest in your emotional well-being, and save your spot in a group class.

Now onto your weekly guidance reading.

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle cards with a direct translation from the guidebook for this week's guidance reading.

If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or, you can also combine the message of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.​

Fuchsite Guidance


You go first. The Universe will catch you.

⁣Life bends for the courageous. The Universe wants to support you, but first you need to leap. To throw your life up in the air.⁣⁣

Perhaps you know what you are being called to leap toward (or away from) but are scared to make the move. Or maybe you are waiting for a big fat sign, or instruction manual, or permission to do so first. If this is you, then this card is your sign and permission slip to take a deep breath, and leap into the unknown.

⁣⁣It’s scary to let go of all that we know in hopes for something new. And it’s normal to feel anxious at the thought of letting go of what we know for sure. But this is the unavoidable process of rising. And right now, this is how you are being called to live.

⁣⁣Nature is constantly showing us how to live with courage. Fall comes every year and encourages the trees to loosen their grip. To allow what once was so full of life, to fall away, leaf by leaf. For a moment, it feels like nothing will grow again. The branches are left bare without the comfort of what once was. But in the morn of spring, new shoots begin to appear and something new is born that is even more glorious than before.⁣⁣

△ Work Your Light Action: You go first. Take a good run-up and leap. △⁣

Shiva Eye Guidance


What lights you up?

Starseeds are souls with a double mission: To raise their own consciousness and the consciousness of the planet. They are old souls who have incarnated elsewhere beyond this planet.

Many Starseeds arrive with a feeling that time is running out and that there is something that they came here to do or create or contribute. If you pulled this card it is to confirm that you are a Starseed and you are being encouraged to answer the call. To follow what lights you up.

Once awake, most Starseed souls find it hard to have meaningless conversations, jobs, and relationships. They innately know that there is much more to life and feel that there is ‘something more’ and get to work. They remain restless until they step into their calling, which is to light up the world with their unique presence.

Starseeds are scattered all over the planet. In hospitals and schools, in slums and mansions, on stages and in edit suites, in parks and nightclubs, in taxis and theme parks. Many Starseeds spend parts of their lives trying to fit in or in some form of spiritual closet. If you are dimming your light to fit in, it is time that you stop and start embracing the unique light that you came here to share, and treat your time on Earth like a glorious vacation.

△ Work Your Light Inquiry: What lights you up? △

Amazonite Guidance


A life’s work, not a season. Get off the treadmill.

It’s OK to take a break and enjoy your creations. To take a moment from your busy schedule. To get off the treadmill of life. To appreciate and acknowledge all that you have created, achieved, released, or experienced before rushing on to the next thing. To be in the moment and enjoy where you are. To take a breath and regather your mind, body, and spirit. To recalibrate, appreciate, and celebrate. To decide on what you really want to experience next. If you take a moment you are not going to miss out.

Perhaps you have just completed a big project, manifested something significant in your life, released an old way of being, or just been burning the candle at both ends. Now is the time to take some time out before rushing on to the next thing. You did it! Enjoy yourself and recalibrate. Go on vacation, book a massage, take long walks in nature, go away for a rejuvenating weekend to recharge and replenish.

△ Work Your Light Action Take a break and a breath. △

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings, so if you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

Skipped to the bottom?

As always, sending lots of love & light your way,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

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704 Telephone Road, Houston, TX 77023 📱 713.485.0747
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Breathe Connect Thrive

An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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