two new things for you

This morning I realized I've been doing Morning Pages for FOUR years, Reader! That means that almost every morning for about 1500 days I've been writing 3 pages of whatever comes to my mind first thing in the morning! That's about 4,500 pages of journaling!

Why you might ask would I subject myself to this practice almost every morning for the last four years? Well, if you've been around here for a while, you might know that Morning Pages is a journaling practice that can help you unlock your inner wisdom and connect with your soul. At least that's what Morning Pages do for me, they've also helped me with:

  • Emotional processing: Morning pages have helped me process emotions and navigate major life transitions like grieving the loss of my mother.
  • Self-awareness: I've gained a deeper understanding of my thoughts, feelings, and motivations, especially when it comes to understanding anger and frustration.
  • Clarity and focus: Morning pages have helped me identify limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and clarify my goals so I can take action instead of letting life pass me by.
  • Career advancement: Morning pages have helped me make career decisions, build confidence, pursue my passions, and summon the courage to leave my full-time job as an office manager, and ultimately open the doors to the Breathe Connect Thrive Studio.
  • Overall well-being: I've developed a stronger sense of self-worth, and belief in my abilities. It's also improved my mental health, reduced stress, and enhanced my overall sense of well-being. Morning pages have been my safe container, refuge, and sanctuary.
  • Increased creativity: I've explored new ideas, projects, and creative outlets. This daily writing ritual has become an essential part of my morning routine opening the door to magical, inner wisdom that's helped me create the breathwork quiz, build the Conscious Breath Connection Course, and bring the Soul Shift Breathwork Membership to life!

And most recently, Morning Pages have helped me create a couple of new things for you!⬇

Two New Things For You!

FIRST NEW THING: SOUL SANCTUARY SPECIALS- A quick way to recharge, gain clarity, balance your Chakras, or breathe out stuck emotions in 1 hour or less. They're perfect if you've done Conscious Connected Breathwork, Tarot, Coaching, or Reiki with me before and need a quick energy-clearing tune-up.​

Soul Sanctuary Specials are also a good fit for you if you:

  • Want to try one-on-one services with me but don't have time for a full session
  • Are feeling overwhelmed and want to feel recharged
  • Want to experience some relief ASAP
  • Need to clear your energy quickly
  • Want to reignite your intuition

I'm not sure how long I'll offer these Soul Sanctuary Specials, so you'll want to click here to save your spot. Plus Soul Shift Breathwork Members can book by applying 4 credits to these sessions.

SECOND NEW THING: FREE JOURNAL PROMPTS TO DEEPEN YOUR WEEKLY GUIDANCE READINGS. Reader, I've got to say this is the new thing I'm most excited about! I know journaling can be difficult without prompts to get your mind going. And sometimes getting a tarot or oracle card reading can leave your logical mind stumped.

I truly hope you enjoy this new addition to your weekly guidance readings and that these journal prompts help you:

  • Personalize your experience and tailor your guidance readings to your specific needs and experiences.
  • Gain clarity on your intentions, goals, and challenges, providing a clearer path forward.
  • Uncover hidden insights, patterns, or themes in your readings that you might not have noticed otherwise.
  • Enhance your connection to your higher self, intuition, inner wisdom, or spiritual side.

Onto your weekly guidance readings where you'll now find journaling prompts for each of the cards pulled below!

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Chris-Anne's Light Seer Tarot Deck for this week's guidance reading,

If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or, you can also combine the message of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.​

Tree Agate Guidance

The Star

The Star appears after The Tower. She is here to remind you of your heart's of your connection to Source.

Coming back to your heart after experiencing the upheaval of The Tower's influence, can seem like a daunting task. The Star brings messages of renewed hope, serendipity, inspiration, and love.

Healing, faith, optimism, renewal, harmony, and spirituality are all keywords with this card.
The Star reminds you to believe in yourself. She is here to let you know that even though (and possibly because) The Tower fell, better things are destined for you.

Your plans do indeed show progress. So allow your essence to shine through the darkness.
You are on the right path. Expect miracles and look to The Star to light your way.

Your journal prompts from this reading:

Prompt 1: Reflection on Healing and Renewal

Reflect on a recent experience that felt like a "tower" moment in your life. How did this experience affect you emotionally? What steps have you taken to heal and find renewed hope?

Prompt 2: Connecting to Your Heart

Consider the concept of "coming back into your heart." What does this mean to you personally? How can you cultivate a deeper connection to your inner self and source of inspiration?

Prompt 3: Embracing Miracles and Serendipity

Think about a time when something unexpected and positive happened in your life. How did it feel? What lessons did you learn from this experience? How can you open yourself up to more serendipitous moments?

Tiger Eye Guidance

Ten of Wands

You're almost there!

Through this long journey feels like it will never end; you are close to a successful outcome. But you might be feeling overburdened and tired.

Sometimes this overburdened feeling can come from holding on to old ideas, patterns, or limiting beliefs.

Do you really need to carry all the weight of your burdens on your own? Is there something on your plate that you can outsource to the Universe?

The Ten of Wands comes with a message to keep going. It's also okay to ask for help AND let go of that extra baggage that's weighing you down.

No matter where this heavy feeling originates, take this opportunity to free yourself from what's slowing you down, knowing that the Universe will help you when you make space by releasing that stuff that's weighing you down.

Your journal prompts from this reading:

Prompt 1: Reflecting on Burdens and Progress

Think about a goal or project you're currently working on. How close do you feel to achieving it? Are there any specific burdens or obstacles that are weighing you down? How can you address these challenges?

Prompt 2: Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Consider the idea of "holding on to old ideas, patterns, or limiting beliefs." Are there any negative thoughts or beliefs that might be hindering your progress? How can you identify and let go of these limiting beliefs?

Prompt 3: Asking for Help and Trusting the Universe

Reflect on the message of "asking for help and letting go of extra baggage." When have you found it helpful to seek assistance from others? How can you cultivate a greater sense of trust in the Universe to support you on your journey?

Howlite Guidance

Six of Pentacles

Are you open to the energetic balance that comes from giving and receiving?

The Six of Pentacles symbolizes two-way abundance, accepting help from others as well as charitable giving.

Opening your heart to this balance of giving and receiving might fill any scarcity gaps.
When we experience heart-centered generosity, we can open the floodgates of powerful, magical, abundant resources, opportunities, and prosperity.

Is there a cause that moves your soul? If so, can you see yourself donating your energetic resources?

Giving doesn't only have to be monetary. Sometimes you can demonstrate life's greatest gifts through gratitude, compassion, and time.

Your journal prompts from this reading:

Prompt 1: Reflecting on Giving and Receiving

Think about your experiences with giving and receiving. Are you comfortable with both? Do you find it easier to give or receive? How do you feel when you are able to help others, or when you receive help from them?

Prompt 2: Embracing Heart-Centered Generosity

Consider the idea of "heart-centered generosity." What does this mean to you? How can you cultivate a more generous and compassionate heart? What are some ways you can demonstrate generosity in your daily life?

Prompt 3: Identifying a Cause and Taking Action

Reflect on a cause or issue that moves you. How can you contribute to this cause, whether through monetary donations, volunteer work, or other means? What steps can you take to make a positive impact?

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings, so if you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

As always, sending lots of love & light,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

Scheduling | Website | Breathwork Quiz

704 Telephone Road, Houston, TX 77023 📱 713.485.0747
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Breathe Connect Thrive

An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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