Magical signs of synchronicity✨

While I'm no stranger to receiving signs of synchronicity, these recent experiences had me crying like a baby, Reader.

You see I was having a rough morning, frustrated with an unresolved family property dispute that had reached a boiling point. I was feeling a lot of big feelings - anger, sadness, resentment, pity, and embarrassment.

I was feeling lost and helpless. Most of all, I was really missing my mom. I guess grief is that way, we never know when memories of our loved ones will jolt the depths of our hearts.

Of course, I did some breathwork. I realized that underneath it all, I felt helpless because I wasn't sure if my response (or, in this case, my neutrality) was truly honoring her.

But then the magical signs of synchronicity✨🕊 started rolling in:

Sign 1: That same day, I had a client on my schedule with the same name as my mothers.

Sign 2: The Breathwork playlist songs the client chose? Catholic worship songs in Spanish- songs my mother would have certainly listened to.

Sign 3: Another song on her playlist? Literally called Mother's Blessing!

I shared the synchronicity with my siblings (not involved in the dispute) in a group text chain. One of my sisters shared a song that reminded her of our mother. It was a song I'd never heard before. So I listened to it and thought it was beautiful.

Magical Synchronicity Sign 4: The very next day another breathwork client submitted her breathwork playlist. The song my sister shared that reminded her of our mother, the one I'd never heard before? On her playlist!!!

I'm telling you, Reader, you can't get clearer signs than that. These magical synchronicities couldn't have come at a better time.

Because the truth is, sometimes, I feel lost, and have no idea what I'm doing. But something deep within the core of my being asks me to choose love every day, to choose peace, to uncover my truth, and to come home to myself in morning pages and

And though I'm not in 100% alignment all the time, I can say that every time the Universe amazes me like this, I get a more profound understanding that I don't know shit. And that's okay because it's not my job to understand and control everything.

And that's why I'm sharing this story with you, Reader.

Because it wasn't just my experience that created this moment of magic, it was a co-creative process, an amalgamation of desires, grief, and our deep need to heal, to be held, to be whole, that created this beautiful synchronicity.

I believe we're all linked, here and now, in this moment in time- from my clients who heal in breathwork, to my family's grief-healing journey, to you reading this email.

That means that it's not my job, nor is it yours, to worry about the ones we love because Spirit is co-creating on their behalf too. It's also not our job to try and control what we want or need because Source is taking care of that too!

We can heal together, Reader! That's why I'm so excited about The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership. It makes this simple, yet powerful breathing technique accessible to as many people as possible! It's perfect for you if you want to:

  • Feel renewed clarity and focus through journaling
  • ​Have regular access to tarot readings and breathwork
  • Focus on healing and connecting with your inner wisdom
  • Reconnect with your soul through new moon or full moon oracle spreads
  • Regularly clear stuck energy and release underlying emotions that are draining you

All from the comfort of your home! And it's almost here!

If The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership sounds like it was created for you, click here to get on the waitlist. When you sign up for the waitlist, you’ll be the first to get notified of the fast-action early bird bonus, which includes FREE content plus an extra special limited bonus!

I can't wait to share The Soul Shift Breathwork Membership with you!

Speaking of waitlists and regular self-care, the Raava retreat is back!

This is for you if you're looking for an in-person, spiritual gathering in Houston. October's retreat is all about taking a step back, slowing down, and preparing for a period of rest so that we have the reserves to experience spring's explosive growth.

  • Create the space to reinvest in yourself through building strong ties with other like-minded women.
  • Strengthen your connection with your mind, energy, and body through Qigong.
  • Discover beautiful release with breathwork and other integrative practices.

Can't wait and need some self-care now? I've got you covered in August's group class schedule below.

Check out August's Group Class Schedule​

Click here to tend to your spiritual growth, invest in your emotional well-being, and save your spot in a group class.

Now onto your weekly guidance reading.

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Kyle Gray's The Angel Guide Oracle Deck with a direct translation from the guidebook for this week's guidance reading.

If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or, you can also combine the message of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.

Tiger Eye Guidance Reading

Friendship & Union

YOUR MESSAGE: This is a time for coming together. Friendship and other connections are important now. There is a strengthening in your bonds with others and your capacity to know who “your people” are. You are surrounded by incredible, insightful, and encouraging people at this time, and it’s important to enjoy the friendships and other connections you have. If you have felt disconnected or out of place for some time, know that you are moving into a far more supportive and joyful space now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to connect deeply with those you trust most. Ask yourself how you can bring the whole of yourself into your friendships and relationships. Be present, listen, open up, smile, laugh, venture forth, and enjoy this time.

EXTENDED MESSAGE: If you have felt left out recently or have been wondering if you can trust those around you, angels are giving you clear insights and information to help. Don’t concern yourself about any relationships or friendships that have been fading into the background. What’s important is that your vibration and energy will attract friends with whom you can be yourself and who can mirror back to you who you are. If there’s something missing in a particularly important friendship, know that your angel guide is inviting you to ask yourself: “What is missing here? How can I supply it?” If you feel that you are struggling to make friends or you don’t know who your friends are, invite your angels to assist you in making connections with those who can share and receive in a loving, balanced way. Your angel friends are ready to help you form incredible unions.

Chrysocolla Guidance Reading

Intuition & Downloads

YOUR MESSAGE: Hearing high‑pitched noises, seeing flickers of light, and having the sense that beings are visiting you in your sleep are all signs that you are receiving “downloads” from heaven. When you draw this card, your angels want you to know that the feelings you are having and the intuitive urges that you have been feeling are divinely inspired. If you feel that you’ve been having psychic insights into a particular situation and have been wondering if you can trust them, this card is reassuring you that they are indeed correct. This is a time when you are able to see, hear, and feel beyond the human senses. Your intuition is becoming stronger and you are in touch with angels, guides, and other divine beings who are encouraging your growth and connection to the universe.

EXTENDED MESSAGE: You are a lightworker. This means that you have the capacity to bring light to the Earth through your presence and purpose. Even though you may feel sensitive and overwhelmed, know that your gifts are stronger now and your psychic muscles are moving. You are being encouraged to look beyond what your physical eyes are showing you. You may want to use what you pick up to plan ahead. If so, it’s important to keep your mind and energy focused on the best possible outcome. Be aware of signs and symbols showing up at this time—your angels are sending you important messages that will help you move forward in your life. Call upon them to help you connect deeply with the spiritual vision that is opening up within you.

Howlite Guidance Reading

Ask & Receive

YOUR MESSAGE: Ask and you shall receive. Your angel guide wants you to know that help is available. You are being encouraged to shift your perceptions and recognize that even in the most difficult of circumstances, a miracle is possible. Whatever miracle you need, it is available to you now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to recognize that you may have been blocking support by saying no to the things you wanted to say yes to, and asking you to change that now. When you begin to say yes to the experiences that light you up, you usher increased levels of support into your life.

EXTENDED MESSAGE: You may feel that your prayers aren’t being heard, but this isn’t true. Angels have heard you and are suggesting you take time to assess where in your work or relationships you may be creating barriers to success. When you are open to seeing and doing things differently, you will experience the answers and miracles you need. You are being encouraged to pray from a space of gratitude now. When you focus on what you are grateful for, you align your energy with the miraculous. Heaven is encouraging you to welcome support in all areas of your life.

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings, so if you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

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As always, sending lots of love & light your way,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

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704 Telephone Road, Houston, TX 77023 📱 713.485.0747
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Breathe Connect Thrive

An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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