moonlit magic and haircuts

I remember my mom used to tell us that if we wanted to have long, beautiful hair, the New Moon was the time to trim our hair and set the intention for long, healthy hair. If we wanted short hair, cut your hair on the full moon.

Little did I know that decades later, I would be writing a newsletter about lunar energy and how it’s the perfect time for intention setting and releasing stuck emotions.

I love the monthly reminder of each full moon to let go of the stuff draining my spirit. Plus there's just something magical about them. Please tell me I'm not alone in my love of full moons, Reader.

And we have another one right around the corner on October 17th in my Sun sign of Aries.

This Aries Full Moon shines a spotlight on you this month, even as relationships and togetherness are emphasized. It illuminates your inner desires and empowers you to pursue them with passion. Making it a perfect time to trust your instincts and prioritize your own happiness, success, and passions. It asks you to reevaluate what truly makes you happy and take action towards achieving your dreams.

This lunar energy can be transformative, offering a chance to heal past wounds and resolve buried emotions.

So, what better time to share my full moon-releasing practices with you?

Spoiler alert: I talk about using breathwork, but...

I also share a few other modalities you might not have used before in your full moon rituals.

Releasing stuck energy during the full moon might also help restore balance in your life. Wherever you're energy falls, Reader, you'll love this week's blog.

Here’s what I cover in this week's Full Moon Rituals blog:

  • Why having a full moon ritual is important
  • What I normally do during my full moon ritual
  • How you can create your own personalized full moon ritual

Soul Shift Breathwork Members - Watch your inbox for your Full Moon Oracle spreads/journaling workbook and Full Moon Breathwork Audio to be delivered by email by the 17th!

Speaking of restoring balance and clearing your energy, SOUL SANCTUARY SPECIALS are your go-to solution. These limited-time sessions are perfect for you if you've done Conscious Connected Breathwork, Tarot, or Reiki before and need a quick energy-clearing tune-up.

But they're also a good fit for you if you:

  • Want to feel hope again
  • Need to clear your energy quickly
  • Are looking to reignite your intuition
  • Don't need a lot of time for processing
  • Are feeling overwhelmed and want to feel recharged
  • Want to experience some relief ASAP and just feel lighter
  • Want to try one-on-one services with me but don't have time for an entire session

I'm not sure how long I'll offer these Soul Sanctuary Specials, so you'll want to click here to save your spot. Plus Soul Shift Breathwork Members can book by applying 4 credits to these sessions.

Now, onto your weekly guidance readings where you'll now find journaling prompts for each of the cards pulled below!

Weekly Guidance Reading

I'm using Rebecca Campbell's Work Your Light Oracle Deck for this week's guidance reading,

If you have a question, feel free to pause and focus on it. Then look at the stack of cards below and choose one you feel has your reading. Or, you can also combine the message of all three cards and let that be your guidance.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest behind. ​Reader, I'd love to hear which reading made sense with your current energy. So be sure to reply and let me know.​

Amethyst Guidance

Pillar of Light - Your vibration is rising. You are the oracle.

You are heaven and Earth in perfect expression. A conduit for the light of the heavens to the Earth. You are the rainbow bridge.

Take time to meditate. Imagine yourself as a pillar of light connecting the light of the heavens above with the Earth. As the light shines through each of your chakras, you activate the rainbow bridge that many ancient scriptures speak about. Raising your vibration and the vibration of the planet. Linking the higher realms of the cosmos, guides, angels, and spirit with the ancient wisdom keepers and beings of planet Earth. They dance together through you. They sing together through you. Without your body, voice, and creations neither can be expressed. For too long, we’ve been taught that God is outside of us, giving away our power to angels and spirit guides. But without you they do not have a voice.

You are the oracle. Do not look for guidance outside, for you hold all of the wisdom of the entire Universe in the portal of your heart. In every cell of your body. Do not see the angels and guides as above you, for without you they have no way of communicating. You are the oracle. You are the rainbow bridge. You are the pillar of light.

△ Work Your Light Activation: Hold your hand on your heart and say: ‘I allow the light of the heavens and the light of the Earth to flow through me now. I activate the codes of remembering within my cells and chakras. I activate my system as a rainbow bridge between heaven and Earth.’△

Your journal prompts from this reading:

Prompt 1: Self-Reflection: How do I feel about the idea of being a "conduit for the light"? What does this mean to me personally, and how can I embody this role in my daily life?

Prompt 2: Personal Power: Reflect on the concept of "giving away our power" to external entities. How have I experienced this in my own life? What steps can I take to reclaim my personal power and embrace my role as the oracle?

Prompt 3: Personal Oracle: How do I access the wisdom within myself? What are some ways I can tap into my intuition and trust my inner guidance?

Tree Agate Guidance

Warrior Woman- ​​If you weren’t afraid, what would you do?

What are you being called to do or face that requires courage? If you weren’t afraid what would you do? Living a heart-and-soul-led life is not all fluffy and smooth sailing. Living a heart-and-soul-led life requires courage to triumph over fear.

So often our fears are the gatekeepers to our greatest gifts. And the more resistance we have toward answering a call, the more important it is to our soul’s growth. Sometimes fear is an indication that we are facing the right way.

Joan of Arc was known for her courage and her famous line: ‘I’m not afraid, I was born to do this.’ But the thing about courage is that it is not possible without fear. So, if you are feeling afraid, what is needed is courage. And courage comes from living from the heart.

Think of your fears as opportunities to expand, rather than things that are holding you hostage. If you look at your fears in this light then, as uncomfortable as it might feel, it’s actually a sign that you are on the right track.

△ Work Your Light Inquiry: If you weren’t afraid, what would you do? △

Your journal prompts from this reading:

Prompt 1: Fear and Growth: What are some fears that have held me back in the past? How have these fears impacted my personal growth and development?

Prompt 2: Heart-Led Life: What does a heart-and-soul-led life look like for me? What would I do differently if I were living from my heart without fear?

Prompt 3: Courageous Actions: What is something I've been avoiding out of fear? How can I approach this situation with courage and a belief in my ability to overcome it?

Rhodonite Guidance

The Great Gathering-It’s all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe.

You are being called to let your intuition move you physically. You are connected to a group of souls who are weaving a web around the planet, and as you travel and share your creations something is rethreaded. This card is an acknowledgment that you are either being called to connect with others who are like you at a soul level or that you already are. You are being called to gather groups of people, either by leading them or becoming part of a group that can support you and your soul’s personal mission.

You are part of a group of souls who agreed to be here at this time in history to heal yourself, your ancestral line, and the planet. To raise consciousness so that we can continue to call this magnificent place home for eras to come. One of many consciously choosing to devote your life to something greater than yourself.

It’s time to call in your tribe by sharing your soul’s voice and letting yourself be seen. When you share what is real and true to you, and you share the medicine that you most need, those who are like you will gather around you. You are your tribe; they are just like you. And just as you are longing and searching for you too.

△ Work Your Light Activation: Place your hand on your heart and say: ‘I choose now to let myself be seen. I am ready to call in my soul tribe and create a web of light all over the planet. △

Your journal prompts from this reading:

Prompt 1: Healing and Raising Consciousness: How can I contribute to healing myself, my ancestral line, and the planet? What role do I play in raising consciousness and creating a better future?

Prompt 2: Intuitive Guidance: How can I trust my intuition more when it comes to making decisions about my life and career? What are some ways I can practice listening to my inner guidance?

Prompt 3: Calling in Your Tribe: How can I share my authentic self and connect with others who are like me? What are some ways I can create a supportive community around myself?

As always, Reader, only take what feels right in your heart and soul and leave the rest behind. Remember that these are general readings, so if you want a personalized online or in-person session to clarify areas you're struggling with, highlight what's draining your energy, recharge, or breathe out stuck emotions, click below to book a session with me.

As always, sending lots of love & light,

Francisca Hernandez

Breathe Deeply | Connect Consciously | Thrive Wholeheartedly!

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An intimate, safe space for you to release stress, heal trauma, and feel like yourself again with Breathwork, Intuitive Energy Healing, Tarot & Restorative Yoga in Houston (and online).

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